Inspired by a student's work and some free time, I took a walk around the Reynolds Building #1 (where I teach) to see what I might find. Reynolds houses UK's art classes and studios. It's an incredible old warehouse with personality and a touch of haunting mystery. The volume of this three-floor warehouse is enormous. Sometimes I feel like Alice in Wonderland, exploring just how deep the rabbit hole goes.
Cool old bathroom. I'd hope that that nice old tub in the middle had been a sink and not a latrine. Too bad bathrooms aren't fitted with cast iron and porcelin like that today.
I really like the intense luminousness of the background with the rest of the room being shaded and muted. The unobtrusiveness and uniformity of the wall and floor paint make the space a gallery on its own, and the bowl definately has an elegance to it despite its low calling.
R. Mutt
R. Mutt, it is truly an honor for my meager blog to be visited by such a stalwart of the art historical community. Many thanks. Cheers!
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